October 10, 2006


Sometimes its a strange relationship very difficult to have a name for or to describe it.. You may just talk to 'someone' with whom you have nothing in common, just sit along with that person and still feel so secure and fascinated by his/her presence... as if you have known that person forever... Thats the ultimate test of a relationship... to be in the mystery yet feel that you belong... to disagree but still hold hands... to not say anything but still know you are loved...


Anonymous said...

sometime the "spoken word" are superfluous

....luved ur last post...it was written with so much of passion...all category of people u can think of...didnt knew kingfisher can lead to such "fit of nostalgia"...wud be careful while having beer in company of my wife...she will have the complete list of my ex gf's by next morning...lol

Anonymous said...


hey saw your pics... you look gorgeous...
At first look I thought it was the South Indian actress Bhavana.. I really thought it was her...
loved that pic where you've all that tape tied to your body...
awesome pics... ;)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Relationships are kinda headache...the more you think about them, the more number of headaches you end up with...if u know what I mean ;)

a friend of mine once told me about her new concept of such people....they are called FILLERS. u know they cant be anything as far as relationships are concerned, but u know they are always there to FILL in the void in your life.


Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

Sherriff: Very true. Sometimes the deepest feelings always come out in 'silence'. And be careful if you have beer next time(esp. Kingfisher Strong), with wifey around..

Saurabhi: Yes dear, the heart knows only LOVE...the mind-a lot of WISER things...impulse-a lot of STUPID things...and the mouth-a lot of foul words to keep the buggers at bay...hee,hee!

Virus: Thanks dude. Those pics are about 4-5 months old now. Ya, a lot of people find my looks similar to that of a south-indian and like that of a goanese more than that of an assamese (which I am)

Arz000n: FILLERS is another concept which is new to me but sounds good to me. One of my friends based in the U.S. had introduced me to the term FB (FUCK-BUDDY) which I had never heard of before. I could have never imagined two people being 'buddies' just for that 'one' purpose without anything else attached or to care about. I would like to think that 'the term' is more suitable to the animal world..I mean what is the difference between us humans and animals without any terms like LOYALTY or COMMITTMENT in our relationships? But the FILLERS term sound more applicable somehow...

Dalicia said...

a lot of love posts nowadays :) well, fuck buddies to some ppl is a solution
to hangon to someone, and hoping the person will come back to you. usually this ppl are in denial and can't move on..

relationship is hard! best to take time to know someone and not let the guy force you to be stead very early.

Anonymous said...

Hello ..

This time I think the speed is little bit faster ..[jyadah hi]

Kahi pe maine parah tha "A great relationship is not when the ‘perfect people’ comes together. It is when two imperfect people learn to enjoy their differences."

Meeting? Actually it was very short ... mumbai-delhi-gurgaon-delhi-mumbai[just few hrs]...yeah, mayb next time ..

Appreciate the guts u carry to share d truth abt you!!

All D best ..

Anonymous said...

"Fuck Buddy"...maybe the wheels of civilisation have turned full circle...we humans started as animals

anumita said...

What is important is being able to feel this way. That itself is special. Not many do. They keep dreaming of this beautiful feeling and seeking it.
Bask in it... revel in it... let it flow all over you.

Shankar said...

names and labels never do suffice for the most intimate and meaningful of relationships

Anonymous said...

why we all in life despartely seek attention and then go in shell as we get itt.its confusion.