January 10, 2008


Lessons I learnt in life...

01. Gossip, men, coffee and chocolates... some things are better dark and rich.

02. If you are a lady who knows to cook and drive, HUSH! Just keep it to yourself. After all, why do all the hard work if you can get away faking ignorance?!

03. Men come and men go, but friends are forever and nearly always outlast (superficial) lovers.

04. A not-so-goodlooking guy who is chivalrous, polished, good to you and genuinely cares about you is much more worthy than a good-looking guy who is insensitive to your feelings.

05. Not having a man in your life is not reason enough to go into a full-on crisis mode. Infact, to be single is better than to be stuck in a bad relationship.

06. Share everything with your mate... except the details of ex-s and the location of your porn stash...(wink!)

07. Men do make passes at girls who wear glasses or braces. Infact, some men even make passes at anything that moves, crawls and wears a skirt.

08. Dress up real nice on a dull and depressing day. Who knows, you might run into a cute guy who might ask you out or better yet, meet a woman you could make so jealous.

09. Exercise is a great excuse to wear clingy clothes, but it is something you do to keep fit, not to get thin.

10. There is no fight that can't be won when wearing sexy lingerie or only that.

11. A designer bikini can cost more than a whole outfit.

12. It IS possible to have too many shoes, bags or clothes.

13. A good haircut is well worth the investment. After all, you have to wear it everyday.

14. It is much better to spend your money on a vacation than on luxury items. The vacation will provide memories and lessons that will last a lifetime. The latter, only momentary pleasure and maybe a little chance to show off.

15. The world is a much better place after a glass of wine.

16. Nobody really cares that you have that ugly acne on your left cheek or nose or wherever. The truth be told, you are probably the only one aware of and annoyed with its existence.

17. Eat all the carbs-and-calories you want, while you still can. Soon, that spoonful of chocolate mousse or mayonnaise will travel straight to your mid-riff area.

18. After you reach a certain age, no matter how much you diet and however hard you exercise, you will never be twig-thin again like you were as a teenager. And clothes which looked good on you a decade ago, won't look that way ever again... even if the fashion is back.

19. No matter how many creams you rub into your problem zones, you can't stop the inexorable march of cellulite onto your thighs, arms and butts. Gravity will take its toll on you and everything that can sag, will sag. So, don't bother fighting it.

20. People who invest in LICs, Mutual Funds and Retirement Policies while still in their 20s, are NOT losers.

21. It is better to buy a property than to rent... even if it means living in an area that you don't consider entirely worthy of you.

22. Its difficult to soar high like eagles if you work with turkeys.

23. You will never be able (or willing) to work this hard again. So make the most while still at it. But don't lose sight of the fact that there is life outside your workplace.

24. You can only really make friends when you are young. After that, you're only stuck with chance acquaintances and work contacts whom you also socialize with.

25. There is a reason why you lost touch with so many 'friends' you made in school, high-school and college. You simply had nothing much in common, except for the fact that you were once together, somewhere, somehow. So, there's no need to feel guilty when charged with 'dropping' them.

26. If you want something, don't be afraid to ask.

27. Do not be afraid to speak out your mind... ever.

28. If you dare to do the impossible, it actually becomes possible, 'cause the 'impossibler' does not exist.

29. You can't change the world. But don't let it change you either.

30. Whatever you give to others, comes back to you... in this very life.

31. Nothing is as important as you think and everthing in life (good or bad) shall pass. Yes, it truly will!


Anonymous said...

live for ur dreams and a pocket full of gold

Anonymous said...

Nobody really cares that you have that ugly acne on your left cheek or nose or wherever. The truth be told, you are probably the only one aware of and annoyed with its existence.

So bloody true..

Anonymous said...

been there and done that seems what it takes to have 31 lessons learnt in life

Keshi said...

hey Priyanka HUGGGGGGGGGGZ! I see u hv been blogging regularly in the New Year. Great to see that :)

**why do all the hard work if you can get away faking ignorance?!

LOL love it!

Some pretty good tips for life here. tnxx hun!


Vikas ( Vicky) said...

well, it seems like u do everythin so exahaustively.... 31 lessons, 91 movies... a long list always....

" we learn from history that we never learn from history"

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

ANON : Yeah! U just hit the jackpot

VIRUS : All the rest is also true...trust me.

ANON : Yes, almost like that.

KESHI : Yeah, girl. A woman has lot of those hidden talents to get men do their work. And they say she belongs to the 'weaker sex'.Ha!

VIKAS : 31 lessons and 91 movies are just randomly co-incidental. Wish I could score a century for the movies, but alas! there weren't enough of them.

Me said...

Read about 16 or 17. Quite interesting. But then as usual, dropped off:)

Guess your writings shall always be too long for me:)

Vikas ( Vicky) said...

shame on movie makers...thatr they cant produce enough movies which priyanka is ready to shell out money n time for.... lol

Anki said...

hard hitting facts!:)
i too hv learnt many of these lessons lately :)

as usual a great piece of intelligent writing by u!

Vikas ( Vicky) said...

hey dudtey,
check out my latest post...waiting for excerpts from u.

Dalicia said...

hi priyanka,

2) i got to say. when a guy ask me if i can cook well. before that, i always yes. then i realized that they're looking for a woman to take care of them. so, yeah i agree. it goes on if you can even clean :P yes, that i keep it to myself. they don't need to know too many things

24) try to keep friends when i'm younger. but that didn't last long for me. have a few close ones. and i meet new people....besides work. i feel that i can better connect with people now than back i was younger.

the rest i think we share the views :)

Anonymous said...

u hate men so much, perhaps u been in luv with the wrong men too many times honey

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

ME (Chandan): U know what? Had I kept the bikinis and mini-skirts till towards the end, the post wudn't hv seemed longer for you. Man! rn't u predictible?!

VIKAS : I think the movie makers r doing a good job but they need to work harder to keep up to my expectations. Anyway, I read your blog and left a couple of comments too. Keep up the good work. Cheers!

INSOMNIAC : Thanks dudette. The irony is that we girls learn these lessons quite late in life. But the moment we learn these lessons, we mature... like classic wines.

DALICIA : About the friends part, maybe it works differently with different people, but I guess u r right.

ANON : I don't hate men. Just love to do some male-bashing whenever I get a chance. I know them all too well by now, and can tell the right ones from the wrong ones even without meeting them. So be assured.

J said...

just stumbled onto ur blog.....makes an interesting read.....
especially liked this post....
extremely observant nd true....

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

J : Thanks for coming by and liking the post. C u around...

Unknown said...

gr8!!! :)

. said...

great write up!
"The world is a much better place after a glass of wine" i guess this is d only lesson which lyf managed to get into my head so far...lol

Anonymous said...

:).....7th one was hilarious