Just as my husband dropped me at my hometown Guwahati, preparing to leave for his new location further ahead in the northeast, I was not too sad this time. I had fancy plans of taking up a job here to keep myself occupied. But not before long, we discovered to our utter joy that the stork would be visiting us in another 9 months. So hubby left for his new location leaving me in the custody of my parents and requesting me to not even think about taking up a job till I completed my first trimester.
Though I took his advise quite casually and continued my search for a job, to my horror I found out that no organisation is ready to employ a candidate who has recently conceived. My immediate reactions on being rejected by good companies on such a ground, ranged from disappointment, shock and surprise to plain outrage. My husband, parents and ma-in-law were clearly upset with me even for taking up those odd freelance assignments which helped me keep myself busy. So finally I had to put aside all doubts and misgivings and decided stay at home, after all.
As I entered my second trimester, my doctor saw that there was some forthcoming complication because I was not taking adequate rest and recommended a total bedrest for an entire month. This time I had no choice to even try something creative online. I was asked to lie down in bed at all times and could get up only to eat or to go to the bathroom. Till a year ago, while I was still in a hectic fulltime job, I would have loved to be in such a situation where I was recommended a 'forced' bedrest. But now, since I had nothing much to do anyway and no job whatsoever, I knew that I could only keep myself sane if I kept myself intellectually satisfied and creatively occupied. So, the first thing I did was that I asked my husband to somehow manage to send me all the unread books that were lying with him in his boxes. Also, I asked my friends, cousins and parents to get me all the books that I had on my 'to-buy' list. And day by day, as I lay in bed recovering, I devoured history, poetry, gossip and all the latest bestsellers. I had ample time on my hands to go through every detail of the daily newspapers and read Femina, Good-housekeeping, Cosmopolitan and Outlook Traveller, cover to cover at one go.
My dad fixed a portable tv in my room, so when I got bored of all the reading, I switched on to my favourite programmes on the tele. I was never much of a tv-person. But now I discovered quite some good and useful programmes that are shown on the tv.
Sometimes my old friends in town would pay me a visit and make me laugh and feel good. My closest girlfriend in town would come and visit me, her baby in tow and while both of us chatted away to glory, laughing and bitching and filling our hearts with small passionate girlie-gossip, her daughter would play by my side on my bed, allowing me the pleasure of consuming her delicious smell of milk-n-baby powder. That has such a healing power in itself, its amazing. My best friend would call up from Delhi and fill me up with all the gory details of her metro life, making sure I was not missing even a single bit of the spice in her life that I used to once share. My sister and another dear friend from Mumbai would call up and spend long hours with me on the phone regularly, leaving me smiling and with a happy heart. My ma would cook up the most simplest yet delicious food that I'd be craving for and my dad took care of all my doctor visits, reports, medicines and injections that was prescribed for me. Ma and I would have long conversations usually before or after lunch, when she'd manage to get some free time after all the household chores. They are such energy boosters for me to drag through the days. Sometimes my cousins and relatives would drop by and say hello to me, since I could not go out anywhere.
Apart from the entertainment and social interaction, I thoroughly enjoyed these people visiting me as each of them had to offer something valuable and special in their own unique way and each of them taught me something in return. While someone gave me tips on what kind of soothing music to listen to, someone else would advice me to wear very loose fitting clothes for easy comfort and breathing. Someone would give me invaluable tips on childcare while others would chalk down lists for me on what to eat and what not to eat.
After completing a month in bed, dreaming, consuming knowledge, entertainment and soulful music, I have started writing more regularly now. And held my paintbrush in my hand after almost 9 months.
Though I miss my husband terribly and long to see him and be with him, yet I have so many things and people around me to make me constantly feel pampered as a queen. Now, I can only smile because hey, just lying around doing nothing has been a great learning experience and a very well enjoyable one as well. Can't just wait for motherhood now :-)